San Francisco Menéndez

San Francisco Menendez is located in the department of Ahuachapán, which borders with Guatemala; at 210 m ASL and an area of 226 square km. San Francisco Menéndez is at 110 km from San Salvador on the road CA-2.

Among some beaches in San Francisco Menendez we can name: Bola de Monte, El Zapote, Garita Palmera, estuary Santa Palmera; and the mountain range Apaneca- Ilamatepec to the north.

Here is were the only tropical dry forest is found National Park El Imposible and which since 1989, became a natural protected area.

Some archaeological sites are: Cara Sucia, San Benito and Mojicalpa (where the sun calendar on a jaguar face was found).

Some iron, titanium, kaolin and zinc mines are also found in the area.

Its main agricultural products include: coffee, cocoa, cotton, bananas, coconuts, sugar cane, etc.

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